Mailing address PO Box 193
2351 Ayersville Rd. / Toccoa, GA 30577
Stand Alone Together
Home of the Band of Brothers
Camp Toccoa at Currahee, Inc is open for visitors:
Saturday 10AM until 4PM / Sunday 1PM until 4PM
Closed Mother's Day May 12th & Father's Day June 16th
Other times by approved special request
Currahee Military Weekend
Oct 3 - 6, 2024
Project C-47
Please help us bring this project to life
About the C-47
The C-47 was known to be one of the most vital pieces of equipment that helped the Allies win WWII, remaining in service far after the fighting ended in Europe and the Pacific. (more info below about the C-47).
Many of the paratroopers who jumped from C-47 aircraft into Europe prior to the D-Day invasion trained at Camp Toccoa.
In May of 2017, Camp Toccoa at Currahee was able to acquire one of these iconic C-47 aircraft with the intent to create a display for visitors to view, appreciate and gain a better understanding of what these brave soldiers experienced as paratroopers while paying homage to the significance of this aircraft in their heroic efforts.
The scope of the Project
- Camp Toccoa intends to repair and repaint the aircraft
- Create a park like display with landscape, hardscape and lighting for visitors to view the plane.
- See proposed concept of the display below
Here's how you can help!
Our plans to create the display are ambitious yet doable with your support.
To raise the funds necessary for this project, Camp Toccoa is selling bricks that will be incorporated in the display. The bricks are $50 each and may be lettered in your name or in memory of someone else. Customization consists of 3 lines with 20 total spaces (characters, numbers and spaces) . If you choose NOT to customize the brick, it will be lettered Camp Toccoa at Currahee Project C-47 as shown below. This is a wonderful way to leave a lasting legacy for you or others in support of this important project.
To purchase a brick online, simply:
1) Fill out the form below and hit submit. Then...
2) Pay for your brick by clicking on the "PAY FOR YOUR BRICK NOW" button below the form. Credit cards accepted for payment.
To purchase a brick with a check, please print out and mail-in the PDF form >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
If you would like to purchase a bulk order of bricks (3 or more, ) kindly contact us.
To support Camp Toccoa at Currahee in other ways, please visit our online store for other items or donate.
Thank you!
Project C47 bricks on the street side is full we are now working on the parking lot side. Several bricks for the parking lot side have been sold and CTaC is waiting to order them until we have the spot to put them down prepared. That project is underway!
Restoration photo gallery of the C47
Progress Report
Patrick Hall and volunteers from TN. NC and locally have made great strides in the restoration of the C47.
- repaired and treated fuselage and wheel carriage
- primed and painted fuselage and wheel carriage
- turned the wheel carriage over, lifted and placed the fuselage on the wheel carriage
- the C47 is moved to it's display space where work will continue
- new windows have been installed along with a new floor inside which is now painted.
- Gravel has been spread by Dennis Geary Concrete Construction.
-Windows, wings, vertical stabilizers have been installed and the inside floor is painted.
- A stone border is added to accommodate bricks. In the near future, bricks will be ordered and added.
-The engines and props are on the C47 thanks to volunteers: Patrick Hall, Dan Kveton, James King and Jason McFarland.
- Project C47 team members, Patrick Hall and Brad Rettig drove to Basler Turbo Conversions in Oshkosh, WI. for a parts hunt for the C47. Dan Kveton drove from Chicago and a friend met with a friend from the Veterans Military Museum In Oshkosh. The group received a tour of the facility and were allowed to rummage around for parts. Camp Toccoa purchased 2 steering assemblies and Brad bought the V -shaped antennae. Everything else was donated by Basler. They also promised to send more parts as they become available. Camp Toccoa now has enough gauges to complete a full dash assembly. It was quite a haul and well worth the drive from Toccoa.
In 1941, a modified version of the DC-3 was chosen by the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) as its standard transport aircraft. It could carry 6,000 pounds of cargo or 28 fully outfitted soldiers. If used for medical transport, it could hold up to 14 patient stretchers and three nurses.
Although many different variations were made and used during World War II, the C-47 is most recognized because of its important role in the invasion of Normandy that would spark an end to the War in Europe. With the start of World War II, production switched to the C-47 for the duration of the War with 10,174 built for US operations.
When dropping paratroopers, C-47 squadrons would fly in a “Vs of Vs” formation. Each plane would fly in a three-ship V formation and each V would then fly in a nine-ship V. An eighteen-ship squadron would be two of these nine-ship Vs in trail. A tight formation was important to ensure that the troops landed as one unit in the drop zone.
Before dawn on June 6, 1944, thousands of paratroopers leapt from their C-47s into total darkness behind enemy lines to secure bridges and exit routes ahead of the 156,000 troops that would storm the beaches.
Meet the Liberty Jump Team
The Liberty Jump Team will be holding an event on January 30, 2021 in Corsicana Texas, featuring two jumps from a C-47.
Liberty Jump Team, perpetuating and preserving the memory of all of our US Military Veterans and remembering the sacrifice of those who never returned.
For more information visit: the Liberty Jump Team website
And Follow on Facebook Team Page and Facebook Group Page