photo gallery
Sights & other Memories at Camp Toccoa
Other Vintage Memorabilia
295th Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company (FA)/ July - Nov. 1943
Humor at Camp Toccoa
Drawings by Julian A. Sears (submitted by grandson, Jesse Walker)
"I was digging around the internet looking for more details on my grandfather's military history and thought I'd send you one thing you might like.
I don't have his detailed records but from stories from him and my grandmother I can place him with the 2nd Battalion of the 506th because he took part in the march to Atlanta to go to Benning. Somehow after that he got separated from that group as he did jungle training in Trinidad and somehow ended up with the 503 PIR in New Guinea where he got the Silver Star and a commission.
Anyway, the cartoons attached are ones he drew while at Camp Toccoa. He was an engineering student at Clemson before he joined up. I still have the originals framed on the wall of my home.
Julian A Sears was his name, went in as a private and retired 20 years later as a major."